[angry-FSROP] Bypassing vtable Check in glibc File Structures
The story began with a student, @Ramen, asking me about the status of file structure attacks nowadays two days ago. He told me there were no public attacks that grant PC-control solely from file structure attacks in glibc-2.35 and I was a bit skeptical about it because I have heard about many techniques that can successfully lead to shells in CTFs.
After reading all the writeups, it turned out he was right (I shouldn’t have underestimated the technical skills of a blue-belt holder on pwn.college). These known techniques need to chain a ton of tricks together and the use of file structures are no longer as clean and powerful as in the past. (@angelboy’s arbitrary read/write technique based on file structure buffers still works fine, but does not provide PC-control)
Then, I started wondering a higher-level question: with hooks obsolete (e.g. __malloc_hook
, __free_hook
) in the latest glibc, is there any clean way to obtain PC-control directly in libc?
Since I just finished my previous projects and my new projects haven’t started yet, I’m basically free (Dobby is free!). So I dedicated a few hours to this question and resulted in a class of techniques that can grant us PC-control given 1. known libc base 2. a fully controlled file structure, despite the presence of vtable checks in glibc.
The story is so interesting that I have to share it.
Spoiler: the answer to life the universe and everything is 42 angr
Eternal war in File Structures
File structure (FILE
) is a data structure provided by glibc to assist programmers in processing files. Internally, glibc has an extended data structure struct _IO_FILE_plus
for the ease of implementation.
More specifically, struct _IO_FILE_plus
simply adds a vtable to FILE
1 | struct _IO_FILE_plus { |
In the past (<= glibc-2.23), with a controlled file structure, we could just overwrite the vtable pointer to somewhere we control, (e.g. a heap address), and invoke corresponding file structure actions then we can get PC-control.
In glibc-2.24, the developers introduced a protection to this kind of attack:
1 | static inline const struct _IO_jump_t * |
In short, this protection makes sure the vtable
have to be within the __libc_IO_vtables
section, or the process will exit.
Worse still, they also encrypt some function pointers that are inevitable in file structure so that PC-control cannot be obtained unless the encryption key is leaked (which is stored in thread local storage).
CTFers soon came up with a bypass. The key is that the check only makes sure the vtable
is within the range, which means we can still misalign the vtable
pointer so that different function pointers with __libc_IO_vtables
section can be invoked. (Plz keep this in mind, this is important.)
In glibc-2.24, people noticed that some functions (e.g. _IO_str_overflow
) use function pointers outside of the vtable, which could be used for getting PC-control as well as shown below:
1 | int |
But in glibc-2.28, these unchecked function pointers are removed (just to make CTFers lives harder).
So, is that still possible to get PC-control directly with a controlled file structure?
Manual Auditing
My first thought was: there shouldn’t be too many vtables in libc, so not too many function pointers, we can invoke from a controlled file structure (using the misaligned vtable), we could just disassemble all of them and search for call
and see whether there are any missing checks.
Basically, there are only 81 unique function pointers in the libc vtable section. I disassembled all of them and all the indirect function calls that I checked were either encrypted or invoked from validated vtables.
The disassemby output can be found here.
For example, the following is the disassembly of _IO_cookie_close
1 | 7f890: endbr64 |
qword ptr [rdi+0x100]
is the encrypted function pointer, we need to either overwrite fs:0x30
or leak it before we can get PC control. (In fact, this technique is known and is named house-of-emma).
So, this means we still can get PC-control with a controlled file structure, but need to have another primitive to overwrite or leak fs:0x30
So not too bad.

Angr(y) Auditing
But man, this is lame. With control over file structure, such a complicated data structure, and we cannot even hijack the control flow directly?
With a little bit of thinking, I realized that this is a bounded model checking problem: given a fully controlled file structure, can we propagate the controlled data to rip
through one of the 81 functions (with a fixed number of steps)?
Apparently, this question is something that angr
is able to answer and it just happens that I am a master PhD of angr
. So, I decided to give angr
a shot.

I wrote a quick angr
script that used a region full of symbolic values as a file structure and tried to symbolically execute the 81 functions using the symbolic file structure as the argument. I expected this script to reach unconstrained states, which means it can propagate the symbolic data to rip
And indeed, just within one minute, angr
starts flooding the console with “unconstrained states” warnings. I manually checked one and it was house-of-emma
This was encouraging but not so useful: we want to find new techniques directly from file structure attacks without other primitives. In other words, we want the PC-control to be a plain symbolic value instead of an AST tree.
Then I added a simple filter like simgr.move("unconstrained", "bad", filter_func=lambda state: state.regs.pc.depth > 1)
, and went out for coffee. When I came back, angr
found a path in _IO_wfile_seekoff->_IO_switch_to_wget_mode->_IO_WOVERFLOW
. I manually confirmed this path works.
Cool! The script was still in a terrible state and it found a new technique already? I enhanced it a bit and let it run over-night. The next day, angr
reported at least 9 new techniques.
I didn’t triage all of them and also don’t want to name all of them. So, I decided to call the class of techniques angry-FSROP
(file structure ROP techniques discovered by angr
The full script can be found here (it is very dirty and can cause damage to your eyes. Proceed with caution, you have been warned).
angry-FSROP Case Study
I wanted to make sure they actually work. So I picked the easiest case (by picking an angr
state with the least variable numbers in the constraints, len(state.solver._solver.variables)
) and manually confirmed it works.
The path of the chain is _IO_wfile_overflow->_IO_wdoallocbuf->_IO_WDOALLOCATE->WJUMP0
1 | wint_t |
The reason why this path works is that somehow in _IO_WDOALLOCATE (fp)
, which invokes a function pointer in _wide_vtable
and _wide_vtable
is not checked by IO_validate_vtable
is part of _IO_wide_data
, a field of FILE
An example on how to craft the payload and a demonstration of this instance of angry-FSROP can be found in my repo.
But how to ROP from the PC-control? Notice that rdi
is also in our control (points back to the file structure itself), so what we actually have is PC
control, which is more than enough to ROP.
One way to do it is using some gadgets such as the following (part of getkeyserv_handle
) to propagate rdi
to rdx
then use the classic setcontext
gadget to ROP.
1 | mov rdx,QWORD PTR [rdi+0x8]; |
I used angr
to find a class of file structure attack techniques that can grant PC-control despite the presence of the vtable check.
I only manually verified one of them. If you verify more instances, please let me know :D
Follow up
After the blog was posted, I was informed that there are existing techniques on getting PC-control using file structure: @roderick01 proposed house-of-apple2 a few months ago, which contains three chains (two are the same ones as what I manually validated) to achieve it. And all of the three relied on the fact that the _wide_vtable
is not validated.
Then I got interested: among all the techniques (at least 9) that angr
found, how many do not rely on the fact that _wide_vtable
is not validated?
I did not have a direct way to measure it, so I used an indirect approach: how many symbolic states have constraints on _wide_data
(the object that contains _wide_vtable
) using the following snippet:
1 | for func in state_dict: |
The result shows that all the states have constraints on _wide_data
, which means it is likely that all of them get PC-control through _wide_vtable
. In other words, if the developers add the vtable check to _wide_vtable
, it is likely that all the techniques will be killed (but you never know whether angr
will find something new after the patch ;) ).
Follow up to the Follow up
It turns out my previous conclusion that all the chains found by angr
rely on _wide_data
is wrong. The reason why _wide_data
exists in all the state constraints is that angr
will concretize _wide_data
to either NULL or a real pointer, which does not have to imply that the technique relies on _wide_data
By removing the dependency on _wide_data
(by concretizing it by ourselves), angr
is still able to find 7 chains (which surprises me, it’s just too many). One of them are exactly the same as @nobodyisnobody’s chain. I manually verified another starting from _IO_file_finish
and it worked. The new script (that was used to solve a hacklu challenge) can be found here.